WIPW: Green Grandpa Cardigan

I started this cardigan for that knitting challenge knitters do during the Olympic Games. Except I barely watched the Olympics, started knitting a week late, etc. Anyway, I was planning on making the Baby Sophisticate cardigan pattern for a while, and this January the right yarn came into my hands – except it wasn’t the right yarn when I realized that I should make a 2T size. Since it was a simple pattern I decided to mash-up this pattern with another that had my gauge and sizing (not to mention I’ve made several top-down raglans, so I have the construction down – I just needed some assistance with sizing). I’m not entirely sure I’m on the mark for size but we shall see. I’ve done a little bit of work on this since the photo was taken – but I’m stuck waiting for the right buttons so I can make sure my buttonholes are the right size.


Meanwhile I have finished two things, the granny circle stool cover and I finally hemmed a skirt that has been kicking around my sewing space unhemmed for at least 2 (make that 2 1/2) years. And I think I managed to clear my sewing/cutting table which is helping boost productivity (I hemmed the skirt and a pair of pj pants for a friend).

April 2, 2014. Tags: , . Knitting.


  1. Sarah replied:

    I have to admit, knitting talk is all Greek to me, but the sweater looks beautiful. Such a pretty shade of green, perfect for spring. Who’s it for?

  2. sarahkerner replied:

    It looks really pretty! I didn’t get into the “knitting olympics” (or the real olympics) quite as much as prior years. I always say I like the Winter Olympics, but really the Summer ones are more interesting.

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