One year later

Circular Needle Organizer has become this Now with labels

In early 2008 (or was it late 2007), I sewed two needle organizers. This Sunday I finally put the finishing touches on the hanging circular needle organizer. I replaced my office supply circle sticker labels with embroidered buttons and I finally hid the last few threads (this had over 84 threads to hide and while I did most of it right when I made the organizer I left around 8 to 10 threads in view for the past year).

 Details Let me say, embroidering 1/2″ tall numbers is not the best way to re-introduce yourself to the craft. I got hooked on embroidery back in 7th grade when I learned how to do the stem stitch for my ice-cream cone pillow in home ec. That summer I made myself a few things, including an 8″ hoop with muslin and my initials in pink, it is still hanging on the wall at my room in my grandmother’s house. Ah, that room had dark brown carpeting, wood paneling to a chair rail and a oh so seventies yellow, cream, avocado green and maybe tan striped wall paper. But I insisted on accenting it all with pink.

I wonder where my rose-plastered two-tiered ruffled bedspread went? ?

February 5, 2009. Tags: , , , . Organization, Sewing.


  1. Chris T. replied:

    Hey Michelle! Next time you come to Wed night knitting, stay awhile! 😉

    • anotheryarn replied:

      It was definitely an abbreviated visit last week, but I was also hiding in the other seating area.

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